
Nanny Registration Terms and Conditions

INTERPRETATION: Any reference to “The Agency” is a reference to The Parent and Child Nanny Agency and any reference to “The Employer” is a reference to the persons who have requested The Parent and Child Nanny Agency to introduce to them staff for employment by that person or persons on either a permanent or temporary basis. Any reference to “The Applicant” is a reference to any staff introduced by The Parent and Child Nanny Agency.

1. All the information provided with The Applicant’s registration form is true and accurate.

2. The Applicant will at all times provide complete, truthful and accurate information in connection with contracts, registration updates, questionnaires and other forms and information required from The Employer to The Agency. The Applicant agrees to notify The Agency of any changes in circumstances as and when they take place.

3. The Applicant will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times when introduced to potential Employers.

4. The Applicant will keep all information about The Employer confidential and will not pass the information or location details on to any third party.

5. The Applicant will inform The Agency of any offer of employment by any Employer introduced to by The Agency.

6. If The Applicant has been introduced or asked to be introduced to a prospective Employer, The Applicant will not apply for the same position again through another agency, directly with a client or via a third party.

7. The Applicant agrees not to introduce third party applicants to The Employer after an introduction has been made and employment agreed between The Applicant and The Employer on either a temporary or permanent basis. If The Applicant breaches this clause, The Applicant will be required to reimburse The Agency at the standard agency booking fee rate.

8. If The Applicant has been introduced or asked to be introduced to a prospective Employer, The Applicant agrees that if employment is offered to them by The Employer, The Agency will take credit for the introduction and related fees.

9. If The Applicant is formally offered employment which is then formally accepted and then declined 7 days after the date of acceptance have lapsed, the applicant is liable for 80% of the agency fee charged to the client which is payable to The Agency within 14 days.

10. If  The Applicant is formally offered employment which is then formally accepted and then declined 7 days after the date of acceptance have lapsed, The Agency reserve the right to remove the applicant from the agency registration with immediate effect.

11. In the event that the Agency introduces an applicant to The Employer on a permanent or temporary basis and the employer provides The Applicant’s details to a third party without permission from The Agency and The Applicant proceeds to accept employment with the third party, The Applicant will be subject to a fine of £500 payable by The Applicant to The Agency within 28 days of commencing employment.

12. The Applicant agrees to immediately inform the agency of any contact with new prospective employers, interviews offered or employment offered as a direct result of a temporary or permanent employer passing The Applicant’s details on to a third party.

13. The Applicant agrees that The Agency has the right to discuss and provide documentation from The Applicant’s registration with any future prospective employer.

14. The Applicant will hold and maintain valid Paediatric First Aid training at all times.

15. The Applicant will hold and maintain valid Public Liability Insurance for nannies at all times.

16. The Applicant will register with HMRC and ensure a self-employed status is maintained with HMRC if The Applicant accepts babysitting, temporary or event childcare introductions.

17. The Applicant will keep The Agency informed of any convictions or penalties since the registration date.

18. The Applicant will inform The Agency of employment with any other child care recruitment company in any form.

19. The Applicant will follow The Agency protocol and guidelines in regards to interviews with potential employers.

20. If The Applicant pursues an opportunity to work within the introduction of childcare staff or a business offering comparable services, The Applicant must request removal from all The Agency mailing lists and social networking sites and formally cease registration with The Agency in writing to The Agency before pursuing these opportunities.

21. If The Agency has formally ceased The Applicant’s registration, The Applicant must remove themselves from all mailing lists and social networking sites related to The Parent & Child Nanny Agency and must not sign up again without prior permission from The Agency.

22. If The Applicant wishes to cease registration with The Agency, they must do so in writing to The Agency in relation to the data protection act.

23. The Applicant must not begin trading as a childcare agency whilst currently registered with The Parent & Child Nanny Agency.

24. The Applicant will not copy, violate or inappropriately share any part of The Agencies website and its content.

Failure to adhere to our terms and conditions may lead to legal action taken against you, charges and immediate termination of your registration with The Agency.
