
Permanent Nanny Placements


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 

The Parent & Child Nanny Agency have been placing nannies since 2006. We understand the importance of finding the perfect child carer to look after the most precious little beings in your life and therefore pride ourselves in offering a completely personal and professional service, listening to your views and understanding your requirements.

A nanny refers to a a qualified or experienced childcare professional who is trusted to look after your child or children in their own home environment.

A nannies role is primarily childcare related and anything pertaining to the care of your child/children which includes nursery duties, however, depending on your exact requirements other domestic duties can be incorporated in to a nannies role.

A nanny will respect your family values, parenting and life choices, a nanny is there to follow in your footsteps and ensure the children are looked after and cared for as desired and not in a way that undermines your own parenting preferences.

Typical nanny Duties include:

  • Cooking and preparing freshly made meals, weaning, batch cooking/freezing
  • Sterilising bottles and preparing feeds
  • Organising age related fun and educational activities
  • Following Development via the Early years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for children aged 0-5 years old
  • Potty training/nappy changing
  • Daily fresh air/parks/outdoor activities
  • Taking children to local playgroups/swimming/music groups
  • Supervising homework
  • Taking children to and from school
  • Generally providing a safe, calm and caring environment for your child

Light household tasks such as washing up, tidying and cleaning play areas, children’s laundry and toy sorting/organising.

Every family has different needs and as such, a nanny role can be personalised to suit your personal and exacting requirements. We can offer the following:

  • Sole charge Nanny
    A sole charge Nanny will have sole responsibility for your child/children.
  • Shared charge Nanny/Mothers Help
    A shared charge Nanny or Mothers Help will work alongside you assisting with childcare.
  • Wrap around care Nanny
    A wrap around Nanny is typically used for school aged children. Wrap around Nannies work before and after school during the term time and full days during the school holidays.
  • Nanny Housekeeper
    Whilst most nannies are happy to take on light housekeeping duties as and when time allows, a nanny housekeeper will have designated child free time to undertake a series of non-childcare related tasks. A Nanny/Housekeeper is typically used by families who have school aged children, a busy lifestyle and want to guarantee they have childcare in place at all times. A Nanny/Housekeeper will generally carry out school drop off, pick up, after school childcare which may include taking children to after school clubs and activities, whilst during the day they are doing the shopping, laundry, ironing, vacuuming, meal preparation, and pet care/dog walking.
  • Live out Nanny A live out Nanny refers to someone who comes to your house on a daily basis.
  • Live in Nanny
    A live in nanny refers to someone who lives in your family home on a permanent basis, or, they may live in during the period they are working, and return home for periods when they are off-duty.
  • Nanny Share
    A nanny share is when 2 families who share one nanny to care for all of their children. This can be a good way of saving on childcare costs but there is a lot to think about when sharing childcare.

Parent & Child Nannies are all qualified and experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing excellent levels of childcare and who demonstrate a natural ability to work with children.

All our nannies have been personally interviewed, reference checked, id verified and hold a DBS Enhanced disclosure and have had Paediatric First Aid training.

The majority of our nannies have worked with us for many years and come with excellent client feedback from previous placements.

We have stringent agency guidelines for our nannies which have resulted in sincere, committed and trusted individuals and exceptionally high placement success rate.

Nanny salaries are always detailed as gross (the total including tax and N.I) and are typically as follows:

Full-time/Part-time Nanny: £12-£14 gph

Weekend/After-school Nanny: £13-£15 gph

You may be entitled to claim back some of your childcare costs. Your nanny will need to be Ofsted registered and provide you with an Ofsted registration number in order for you to make a claim.

To see if you are entitled to claim childcare costs through tax credits go to: https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/tax-credits-calculator/#/partner

Tax-Free Childcare Vouchers:

To help parents get back to work after having children, the government are providing some help with the cost of childcare in the form of Tax-Free Childcare Vouchers – sometimes known as CCVs or Employer Supported Childcare.

These vouchers are only available if your employer provides them as an employee benefit, which means that many families do not have access to them. However this will be changing with the introduction of the new Tax Free Childcare system in 2015.

Parents can claim up to £243 per month in Childcare Vouchers and if both parents’ employers offer the vouchers, both parents can claim the same amount. The amount that you are able to claim is dependent on how much you earn:

Annual Salary     Amount that can be claimed per month

No more than £41,865   £243

£41,865 – £150,000           £124

More than £150,000        £97

You can use Childcare Vouchers to pay for many different types of childcare, including nannies. Only Ofsted registered nannies can receive the vouchers.

Childcare vouchers are made up as a portion of your gross salary and are taken as a salary sacrifice. This means that a smaller portion of your salary is taxed than normal and there is no tax paid on the voucher. This means that once you’ve received your salary and paid your nanny you will have more money left over.

To pay your nanny with Childcare Vouchers, you will need to approach the HR department at your work and ask to start claiming the vouchers. Your nanny will need to register with the voucher provider, and the vouchers will make up a portion of her net salary. Vouchers are provided either as physical paper vouchers, which you will need to give to the nanny, or as electronic vouchers which will be paid over to the nanny automatically.

As an employer of a Nanny you have a number of legal obligation to adhere to. These include:

  • Registering as an employer
  • Paying Tax and NI
  • Offering a workplace pension
  • Providing your nanny with a contract of employment

We recommend using a nanny payroll company and can recommend Way2Paye and NannyTax who offer an excellent service and provide payslips for your Nanny and Pay advice for you.

The Process of finding a Nanny:

1. Register your requirements with The Parent & Child Nanny Agency. Registration is free – click here to register
2. Once registered, we will send you a Welcome pack.
3. We will advertise your position on our website, newsletter, and emailed job bulletins. In addition we may advertise further afield to gain interest from suitable applicants
4. We will email suitable applicants’ ‘Nanny Profiles’ along with additional information on request.
5. We will arrange interviews with prospective nannies at a time suitable for you.
6. If you are happy to proceed with any of our registered child carers, a formal job offer is made in writing to ‘The Parent & Child Nanny Agency’
7. We will assist and offer guidance with all aspects of setting up as an employer, nanny payroll and nanny contracts.
8. We provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the duration of employment and we are on-hand to assist with any questions or queries along the way.

Parent Registration 》
