During this period of uncertainty with changes and new restrictions being enforced on a daily basis, it is important to to be vigilant with with hygiene to prevent the spread of covid-19, but also to ensure the mental and physical well-being of our children is maintained at all times no matter how disconcerting the situation is to us.
Please follow recommended guidance when it comes to hand washing, ensure all measures are followed to prevent the spread of coronavirus and keep your employer informed with changes or concerns relating to your health.
If you think you have coronavirus use the NHS 111 Service and follow guidance if you are required to self-isolate. The period for self-isolation is currently 14 days. You will need to follow this guidance in order to be paid statutory Sick Pay (SSP) however your employer may be pay you in full as good will.
- a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what you need to do.
Working in a private home
If you are in good health, there is no reason not to continue your work as usual. Please try and be patient and understanding of the changes you my face regarding your employment. You may asked to work reduced hours, your contract may be terminated or you may have to work around more children belonging to your family who might ordinarily be at school. With these challenges ahead in mind, please try and be creative with your ideas for home-based activities and support with older children studying from home.
We are now putting new measures in place and require all nannies working in temporary and emergency placements to follow these rules:
- Encourage a normal routine with the children you are caring for, try not to get emotional or upset when children in your care are present as this creates a disconcerting environment.
- Hand-wash regularly with soap or sanitiser
- Take your temperature regularly
- Call NHS 111 if you feel you may need to self-isolate and follow guidance in full
- keep everyone updated and informed at all times especially if you work for several different families
- Avoid Public play areas, parks and social gatherings
- If necessary ensure outings are following social distancing rules in open spaces
- Avoid public transport as much as possible
Salary Guidance
If the family you work for need to self-isolate, you should be paid as per your contract of employment.
If you need to self isolate, you will be paid statutory sick pay as a minimum.
If your contract is terminated and you you are asked not to work your notice period due to your employers concerns over coronavirus, you should expect to be paid for your notice period.
Seeking new employment/taking on extra work
If you are seeking new employment, we are continuing to offer nanny introduction services to families in Devon, Cornwall and somerset. If you are available for temporary and emergency bookings, please get in touch so we can help families get back to work – especially those who are key workers and provide essential services to the community and NHS.
In some cases, where a vulnerable person is concerned (ie an elderly relative, person with a lung condition) you may be required to self-isolate for a period of time before commencing employment. This may be paid as good will.